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Best flash platformer of all time. Please make Minifield 2.


Don't worry, I will. Thanks for opinion!


Hey jason have you added multiplayer mode?


I said I'll try to implement this feature in the next part.


OK then, hope it works well too :D 


This game can be more fun if you added 2 player mode.. where one player plays with the keys WASD. And the other player plays with the left, right, up arrows :D


Good idea. I'll think about cooperative when I begin development of Minifield 2. Thanks.

ok thanks! :D


Just wanted to say that I like the game!

Glad you write this.

(1 edit)

hi, i am stuck on level 65, the first ledge is too high too jump up

How many gems and achievements you have collected? They also increases jump force if you don't know.

I can't pass level 68, the spring can't bring me high enough.

Not possible. I wasn't changed height of the spring in 68th level. It's the same like in level 8. Tested right now.

(1 edit) (+1)

I think I might be doing something wrong when on the springs, I got past level 68 but now I am stuck on 69. I also I cannot get the gem on level 42 due to the the same problem on level 69 (The springs). Moreover I was able to do all of the things on Cool Math Games which confuses me even more. If the jump height while not on the spring changes how high you jump if you're on the spring, might be why I cant get to some places.


Okay, found it, you're right...hotfix will be in a couple of hours. Thanks for reporting.